The Kaleidoscope Book is an on-line book about kaleidoscopes, the artists that make them, the galleries that sell them and the collectors that enjoy them. Its purpose is to help regenerate the “Kaleidoscope Renaissance” by providing up-to-date information about kaleidoscopes.
Thank You Cozy

Anyone interested in kaleidoscopes owes a great deal of thanks to the late Cozy Baker. Without her, there would have been no Kaleidoscope Renaissance and no Brewster Kaleidoscope Society.
Identify the Scope

This is a monthly game which allows you to demonstrate your scope knowledge. Each month a different scope will be pictured and described, your challenge is to identify the artist or provide other information about the scope.
Brewster Society

The Brewster Kaleidoscope Society (BKS) was founded in 1986 by Cozy Baker as an international organization for kaleidoscope enthusiasts.